Document ID | CEWIN01 |
OS | Windows Server 2012 R2 |
STEP 01: Download the Windows Server 2012 R2 64 bit by below link.
I am using VMWARE 12 PRO you can use latest version of VMWARE.
STEP 02: Open the VMWARE and first create a VMnet that most important.
I am using network address
STEP 03: Create a New Virtual Machine.
STEP 04: Select “Installer disc image file (ISO)” and click “Browse”.
STEP 05: Select the Windows Server ISO image.
STEP 06: Showing Windows server 2012 R2 detected.
Now click “Next”.
STEP 07: Give a name of virtual machine with location where you want to save.
STEP 08: Maximum Size we can select 100 GB or above or minimum 60 GB.
STEP 09: Define a network Adapter VMnet1 which we already configure as network Step02)
STEP 10: Click “Finish”.
STEP 11: Now VM machine will automatically start if not then manually need to start.
Click “Next”.
STEP 12: Click on “Install Now”.
STEP 13: Select “Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Evaluation (Server with GUI) x64”.
STEP 14: Select the “I accept the license term” and click “Next”.
STEP 15: Click “Custom : Install windows only (advanced) “.
STEP 16: Showing 100 GB that we already assigned.
Click “Next”.
STEP 17: User name : Administrator Password :***UperLowerNumber***
STEP 18: Right click the Tab and Select “Send Ctrl+Alt+Del”.
STEP 19: Login with Administrator.
STEP 20: This is the server manager DASHBOARD.
STEP 21: Assign IP address of VMnet1: network. I give IP:
STEP 22: Now I going to change the network address because on my most of the LAB I am going to put network segment so I create a new VMnet that is VMnet3 with network
STEP 23: Change the “Network Adapter as VMnet3” and click “OK”.
STEP 24: VMware tool installation in Windows Server VM to copy any file from my Host machine to VM machine.
STEP 25: Click “Finish”.
STEP 26: Assign IP address of VMnet3 : so I assign
IP :
Subnet mask :
STEP 27: This is the DASHBOARD.